Sharing valuable insights, useful advice and practical tips

Finance on Friday LIVE


All Spots for this Webinar have been booked now.

Women's Wealth -
Your Best Financial Friend #BFF

Your Speakers

sam secomb

Award winning Chartered Financial Planner and Moral Money columnist for The Telegraph - Empowering women to take charge of their finances to create the wealth they want and the security they crave.

Siafra James

Money Mentor - unashamed feminist, truly believing that women should be leading (or co-leading) their own financial outcomes.

Maria Belishka

Money Mentor - passionate about helping women find their own way in the male dominated world of finance.

selina flavius

Money Mentor - dedicated to fighting gender inequality, particularly by drawing attention to the pay gaps that exist for women of different ethnicities.

Michelle leivars

Money Mentor - by enabling women to be financially aware, you are giving them the stability and power within themselves to feel confident and secure in their lives!

simon gladding

Money Mentor - I want to empower women to take control of their financial future. I'm fascinated by the psychology of money.

A Female Friendly chat

on Finance

Making sure you're in the know when it comes to the latest financial news as we delve into a variety of financial topics related to the unique needs of women.

So grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and join us every last Friday of the month as we sprinkle a touch of fun on the fascinating world of finance. Welcome to "Finance on Friday"!

All Spots for this Webinar have been booked now.

Financial Planning and Advice for Women